The fifth chakra up for dissection is the Throat Chakra, a.k.a Vishuddha. Unsurprisingly, the Throat Chakra is located in the center of the throat.

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash
As you may have suspected, the Throat Chakra is responsible for self-expression and communication, along with one's feeling of being heard, and the ability to accurately hear others.
If your Throat Chakra is blocked, you may experience physical symptoms, such as a sore throat, thyroid problems, sinus infections, a horse voice, ear infections, and gum disease.
Emotionally, a blocked Throat Chakra could lead to losing your nerve to speak - you have something is on your mind, but you just can't get it out, a fear of public speaking, shutting down instead of communicating during a confrontation, talking over others, and dominating the conversation.
Yoga asanas that can help to open up your Throat Chakra are:
Baby Cobra
Table Top
Shoulder Stand
Some of these poses, such as Fish, Plow, or Shoulder Stand, can be harder to hold for longer periods of time, due to the head being below the heart. Make the most the time you are in these poses, with intentional breath and focus.
Blue is the color connected to the Throat Chakra, so gemstones such as aquamarine, lapis lazuli, sodalite, angelite, chrysocolla, celestite, and azurite would be a great addition to your asana practice.
Oils that could be incorporated into your practice are Peppermint, Bergamot, Basil, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Sage, and Frankincense.
Next week, the Third Eye Chakra will be our topic of discussion.