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The Solar Plexus Chakra

For the third installment in our Chakra series, we have the Solar Plexus Chakra, a.k.a the Manipura. This Chakra is located a couple inches, or about four fingers width, above the navel.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is where one's self-confidence and motivation lies. This includes your sense of purpose, as well.

A blocked Solar Plexus Chakra could present as digestive issues, such as the inability to process nutrients, constipation, ulcers, and hypoglycemia. Issues with the liver, kidneys and colon could also be present.

Emotionally, one may have low self-esteem, become overly aggressive, and becoming dominating in relationships. Motivation to achieve goals may be lacking, as well as generally feeling fatigued.

Some yoga asanas that can assist in unblocking your Solar Plexus Chakra are:

  • High Lunge

  • Cobra

  • Bow Pose

  • Warrior II

  • Boat Pose

  • Dolphin

  • Revolved Triangle

  • Seated Spinal Twist

  • Reverse Plank Pose

As with most poses for Chakra balancing, these asanas are held for a longer time period than in a general class setting - meaning at least 6-8 breaths each. These poses should be held in a manner which is passive, however, and not placing strain on the muscles or joints. If this happens, use a block, bolster or strap to relieve the tension.

Yellow is the color associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Yellow gemstones and crystals which could be incorporated into your practice are citrine, amber, pyrite yellow jasper, yellow topaz, lemon quartz, sunstone, moonstone, and calcite.

To add an element of aromatherapy to your Solar Plexus practice, consider Vetiver, Mint, Cedarwood, Cypress, Lemongrass, Bergamot, and Ginger.

Next week we will continue up the body and explore the Heart Chakra.


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