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The Root Chakra

Now that I am back from my hiatus, we will continue with our Chakra series of blogs.

This week's blog will explore the Root Chakra, or Muladhara. This Chakra is located at the base of the spine, in the region of the sacrum.

As the name implies, the Root Chakra relates to your ability to feel safe, or rooted, in your life. The Root Chakra impacts your feelings of security, feelings of "home", and relationships - those of both a sexual and non-sexual manner.

When this Chakra is open, you will feel grounded and stable. You are able to grow and invest in your relationships because you feel safe in them. When it is blocked, you may have lower abdominal pain, constipation, pelvic pain, or experience unexpected weight gain or loss.

Mental or emotional impacts of a blocked Root Chakra could present as being easily distracted, feeling exhausted, an increase in anxiety or depressive symptoms, lethargy, and the inability to take action to mitigate these symptoms.

If your Root Chakra is feeling blocked, give some of these asanas a try:

  • Easy Seat

  • Child's Pose

  • Yogi Squat

  • Forward Fold

  • Mountain Pose

  • Sun Salutations

  • Crescent Lunge

  • Warrior I

  • Bridge Pose

Ideally, you would hold each pose for 5-8 breaths, while trying to quiet your mind. Keeping your breaths steady, such as with box breathing, will assisting in letting your brain calm down a bit.

The color red is associated with the Root Chakra, so feel free to include red gemstones or crystals, such as garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, carnelian and tiger's eye. Smokey quartz and hematite, even though not red, are known to be good stones for grounding. You can have these stones nearby, hold them, or put them in your pocket while you flow through your asanas.

If you enjoy adding aromatherapy to your practice try filling your diffuser with Cedarwood, Frankincense, Black Pepper, Patchouli, and Sandalwood oils.

Next week, we will continue with our series and delve into the Sacral Chakra.


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