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The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, or the sahasrara, is our seventh and final chakra in this blog series. The Crown Chakra is located on the top, or the crown, of the head.

As one may have assumed, the Crown Chakra is associated with thought or consciousness. This includes wisdom, self-knowledge, and connection to spiritual-ness.

A blocked Crown Chakra could present as vertigo or poor balance, poor motor skills or coordination, and just a general lethargy and inability to function.

Emotionally, you could experience a lack of ability to focus, become easily confused, hyper/hypo-spiritualization, and feeling disconnected from the world around you.

If you are feeling like your Crown Chakra may be blocked, here are some asanas which can assist in freeing up your energy flows:

  • Lotus Pose

  • Headstand

  • Corpse Pose

  • Plough

  • Seated Forward Fold

  • Reclined Bound Angle

  • Tree Pose

These poses should be held for 8-10 breaths each, as long as can be done so without over-exertion, especially the inverted poses, such as Headstand and Plough. If this becomes the case, slowly come out of the pose, and then re-engage when ready. Also, the use of props here is encouraged.

Violet or Purple is the color associated with the Crown Chakra, so stones such as amethyst, lepidolite, sugilite, and charoite, as well as the clear stones of quartz, moonstone, and Herkimer diamond can be added to your practice.

To add some aromatherapy to your Crown Chakra practice consider Lavender, Jasmine, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Basil, Rosemary, and Myrrh.

Thank you all for joining me along this blog series covering the seven chakras. Below are the links to the first six posts, as well as to the initial post which kick-started this series, if you would like to go back for a review:


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