If you are still with me, we made it! Welcome to the final blog post in our 8 Limbs of Yoga series. Samadhi is the final limb, and it actually isn't really so much a limb, as it is a result, of the 7 prior limbs.
Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash
Samadhi is the state of enlightenment that comes from accomplished meditation. There are two categories of Samadhi - Distinguished and Undistinguished.
Distinguished Samadhi is broken down further into 4 steps:
The Gross Material (Savitarka Samadhi): A physical object is focused on; this is the first stage and generally the easiest, as the mind can focus on a physical, tangible item.
The Subtle Elements (Savicara Samadhi): Now we move past the physical object and on to an abstract concept. Examples could be "love" or "beauty".
Tranquil Mind (Sa-ananda Samadhi): We have now moved on to the totality of the mind. Here, we wander to the part of our mind that houses desire, and move from reflection into a blissful state.
The Ego/The "I" (Sa-asmita Samadhi): In this fourth stage, our intellect retreats fully and one is left without purposeful thought - only seeing the "I" or "Self".
Undistinguished Samadhi (Asamprajnata Samadhi) occurs when one's self-consciousness slips away without the aid of a physical object.
When one has achieved Samadhi, emotions, such as anger, jealousy, envy, etc., have no impact. One is able to connect to their true Self and is connected to a universal consciousness.
Thank you all for coming with me on this short journey through the 8 Limbs of Yoga. See you next week with a blog who's content is yet to be decided!
-Charlene 🧡
Disclaimer: The majority of my knowledge for this post is derived from my 200-hour teacher training, hence the lack of citations of sources.