Sun Salutation C is the last(ish) blog in our Sun Salutations series! Sun Salutation C is most similar to Sun Salutation B, in terms of complexity. Because of this, some yoga practitioners will choose to use Sun Salutation C as an entire practice - which is just fine! As with the other Sun Salutations, Sun C can be used within a practice, or on it's own.
Photo by Julien DI MAJO on Unsplash
Sun Salutation C is made up of the following eighteen (18) poses:
Mountain Pose
Upward Salute
Standing Forward Fold
Half-way Lift
Low Lunge (Right Side)
Cobra Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Low Lunge (Left Side)
Cobra Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Half-way Lift
Standing Forward Fold
Upward Salute
Mountain Pose
As you have probably noticed, the core poses for all three Sun Salutes are the same (Mountain, Standing Forward Fold, Half-way Lift, and Downward Facing Dog). Due to the use of Plank and Knees-Chest-Chin, Sun Salutation C may have more of a "flowing" feel to it, than Salutation A or B.
Some accommodations, in addition to the ones listed for Salutation A and B, that can be applied to Sun Salutation C are:
While in Low Lunge, allow the hands to rest on the front knee, providing more support to the hips.
Your knees can be lowered to the mat at at time during Plank Pose.
If full Cobra Pose is too much for your lower back. keep the elbows close to the mat and come into Baby Cobra, instead.
Knees-Chest-Chin can take a bit of coordination, so try not to become frustrated if you feel like yours is choppy. You can also come into Table Top first, and then lower down, if preferred.
Traditionally, Sun Salutations are done during sun rise or sun set, while outdoors, and facing the sun. This may not be possible for all, depending on where you live, schedules or prior commitments. Don't let this stop you, however, from enjoying the practice of Sun Salutations - do them whenever works best for your day!
There are numerous graphics and videos online which show the various Sun Salutations pose by pose. You can also message me with any questions, and I am happy to help.
This was to be the last blog in this series, but I decided to continue the trend with next week's post - Moon Salutations. Look forward to it!