While I am not a big one to set New Year's Resolutions, I do think there is value in looking back over the past year and reflecting on what went well and what didn't, as well as looking forward into the new year to see what may be coming down the pipeline.
So, what went well in 2022?
Completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training
Creation (and continued development) of Wild Ginger Yoga
Did my first model call photo shoot with some glorious black wings, handmade by the photographer
Began teaching in-person classes at a local studio
Began teaching online classes
Vacation to Florida with beaching, camping, and ATV riding
Theo turned 6 and started 1st grade
Took at trip to Montana for work and to help with my office hosting an attorney retreat
I promoted at my full-time job
Caleb promoted at work
Reconnected with family members
Started a Restorative Yoga course
Brand partnership with Saavi
Trip home for the Christmas holiday
Along with numerous lunches at the school with Theo, trips to the park, and coffee/lunch dates with friends.
What didn't go so well?
Two trips to the ER for Theo (all is well now, just a few falls)
Online classes went on hiatus
Respiratory and ear infections for me
On Demand videos didn't make it to full production
Agnes emergency surgery to remove infected bone
Loss of my Uncle
While some of these "not so well" items could be dwelled on, I feel a better use of time is to determine two things - 1) Why did these not go well? and 2) Could that have been done differently? Once those two things have been reflected upon, no more dwelling, only moving forward.
Going into 2023, I have a few things I am looking forward to:
Continued brand partnership with Savvi
Developing and completing On-Demand videos
Potential re-instatement of online classes
Completion of my Restorative Yoga training
Growth in my full-time job
Theo going into 2nd grade
And while I said I am not one to set New Year's Resolutions, I am one to set a Word of the Year. My word of the year for 2023 is Balance. I want to create a better balance between my work life and my personal life. A better balance between my mom life and my wife life. A better balance between my personal time and my social circle. A better balance between my down time and my personal development time. And, better balance in my handstands/forearm stands would be great, too!
I'd love to know - what does your New Year look like? Are you a resolution-setter? A word-of-the-year-picker? Or a don't-look-back-person? Reply to this email - I read every one!
Also, check out some photo recaps of my 2022 wins here 🧡